Friday, August 22, 2008

Mau Uang Tambahan

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Lowongan BUMN: Kesempatan Kerja di PT PERTAMINA Persero


Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pekerja di lingkungan Daerah Operasi Unit Pengolahan (UP) II, III, IV, V & VII PT.PERTAMINA (PERSERO) membutuhkan 201 orang lulusan Diploma 3/Sederajat untuk dipekerjakan sebagai Operator dan Teknisi Kilang dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:


1. Jenis kelamin laki-laki; Status belum menikah bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, kecuali bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
2. Pendidikan terakhir D3 jurusan Teknik Kimia (TK), Analis Kimia (AK), Teknik Listrik – Arus Kuat (TLA), Mesin (TM), Instrumen/Elektronika (TIE), Lingkungan (TL), Teknik Pengolahan Migas (TPM).
3. Bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina, minimal pengalaman kerja 3 tahun di Pertamina UP tujuan lamaran.
4. IPK minimal 2.75.
5. Usia maksimal 24 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau maksimal 32 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
6. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm.
7. Tercatat sebagai pencari kerja di Kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) setempat.
8. Bebas narkoba.
9. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta warna, dan diutamakan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
10. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO).
11. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi.

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengajukan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan dokumen :

a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
b. Copy ijazah D3 & SMA/sederajat yang telah dilegalisir
c. Copy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
d. Copy akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir dari instansi berwenang
e. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian setempat
f. Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba di atas materai Rp.6.000,-
g. Copy KTP/SIM yang masih berlaku
h. Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning/Hijau) yang masih berlaku
i. 3 (tiga) lembar pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 (berwarna)
j. Alamat untuk surat panggilan (alamat terakhir dan kode pos).

Alamat lamaran :

Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di 5 (lima) wilayah Unit Pengolahan, yaitu: UP II–Dumai, UP III–Plaju, UP IV–Cilacap, UP V–Balikpapan, dan UP VII–Sorong, dan sekitarnya atau di tempat lain yang akan ditentukan kemudian.

Pelamar agar mengirimkan lamaran ke wilayah Unit Pengolahan terdekat dengan domisili/daerah asalnya.

Lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui Pos dalam amplop tertutup (pelamar tidak boleh menyampaikan langsung atau melalui perantara) dan dilalamatkan kepada:

1. Team Rekrutasi P.O.BOX 1122 Pekanbaru

2. Tim Rekrutasi PO BOX 1111 Palembang 3000

3. Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP IV Cilacap PO BOX 2008 Cilacap 53200

4. Tim Rekrutasi PO BOX NO. 634, Balikpapan 76100

5. Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP VII Sorong PO BOX 283, Sorong

Pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran, cantumkan kode jurusan bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau “OS” bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.

Lamaran selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal: 30 September 2008 (stempel pos).
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes/seleksi dan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun (tanpa biaya).
Lamaran yang disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini tidak akan diproses, dan surat lamaran yang telah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan.
Informasi lebih lanjut agar menghubungi UP tujuan lamaran atau Disnaker wilayah setempat.
Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan seleksi merupakan hak Tim Rekrutasi dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Lowongan Karir di GARUDA FOOD

Career Opportunities in Garudafood
We are group of companies in the fields of food industry, distribution and plantation. Due to the rapid growth of the business we invite young professionals to fill in the following positions:

  • Human Resources Departement

Industrial Relation Spv
Requirements :
• S1 law or Psychology , 2 years experience in the same position
• Familiar with management of Internal Company Magazine
• Familiar with Labor Institution
• Having Concept about employee maintenance
• Willing to travel all over Indonesia

Compensation&Benefit Spv
• S1 Degree, especially in Natural Science, Engineering, Finance/Accounting, Management
• GPA min. 2.85
• Age Max 32
• Experience in Compensation & Benefit min. 4 years
• Understanding Compensation & Benefi in concept and practice

HR Spv
• Bachelor Degree- Any major. Preferable from Law/Psychology/Economics.
• Min. 2 years experience in HR area
• Have an excellent communication and good relation
• Able to start working in under pressure condition.

Payroll Spv
• S1 – Any discipline Preferable from Law/Psychology/Economics
• Min. 2 years experience in the same position
• Hands-on experience in the process of payroll, administration, Jamsostek, and attendance system.
• Attention to details and posses strong communication skills.
• Able to work with minimum supervision

Organization Development Specialists
Requirements :
• Degree in Psychology / Engineering/Management. Master degree is an advantage.
• Minimum of 2 years of relevant experience.
• Skilled and knowledgeable about Organization Development, performance and career management system.
• Willing to travel intensively.

Training Manager/Spv
Requirements :
• Degree in any discipline
• 5-7 years (for manager) or 2-3 years (for Spv) of the same experiences as the same position,
• Have experience in Leadership Program.
• Willing to travel intensively

  • Operational Support

Administration Staff
Requirements :
• D3 any discipline,
• 1 year experience in the same position
• Good Communication Skill, Computer Literate and English active

Finance Staff
Requirements :
• S1 - Accounting
• Min of 2 years of the position, preferably in FMCG/ manufacture company
• Have skill and knowledge in Finance
• Experience in handling petty cash & support operational transaction

Requirements :
• Bachelor or Master Degree in industrial technique, statistic or strategic management 3-4 years experience as ISo facilitator, SMR/QMR staff
• Understand the basic of TQM, ISO, Management improvement, PDCA Cycle, DELTA, etc.
• Able to build system, mapping/modeling and Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)
• Illiterate with MS Office, VISIO and another application program that support SOP building.
• Have basic knowledge in innovation and development in food and beverages product.

Product Development SPV
Requirements :
• S1 - Food Technology / Yield Agriculture Technology
• Min. 2 years experience in the same position, preferably from food & beverage Industry. Fresh Graduated are welcome
• Good analysis in creating new formula or revitalitation product
• Having a good knowledge and skill about Food Safety, Food Hygiene, and

Food Regulation
Requirements :
• S1 degree from reputable university, majoring in Law
• GPA min. 3,00
• Min. 2 years experience in the similar position

Information Technology Programmer
Requirements :
• Degree in Computer/Information Technology.
• Minimum of 1 year of experience as programmer/hardware support/data base administrator.
• Familiar with SQL, networking operation system, data base
management system - design and planning.

  • Business Development Operation Business Development Operation

Business Development Manager
Requirements :

• Min. Bachelor degree in Finance or Accounting or Marketing, preferably
overseas Graduated. Master degree is an advantage.
• Min. 7 years experience in Brand Management and has successfully developed
product in FMCG company.
• Skilled and knowledgeable about project management, marketing research,
production and financial aspect.
• Fluent in both oral and writing in English or Mandarin.
• Willing to travel intensively.

Business Analyst
Requirements :
• Min. Bachelor degree in Finance or Marketing, preferably overseas Graduated. Master degree is an advantage.
• Min. of 2-4 years of relevant experience, preferably in FMCG company.
• Skilled and knowledgeable about marketing research, and financial aspect.
• Fluent in both oral and writing in English or Mandarin.

  • Delopment Operation
  • Business Development Operation Business Development Operat

Requirements :

• Min. S1 Degree from reputable universities
• Working experiences min. 2 years in similar position
• Willing to be placed in Lombok, Lampung, Banjarmasin

Requirements :

• Bachelor degree from Economic, Business, Marketing, Preferably Master Degree from reputable university
• Min. 3 years experience in the same position, preferably from consumer goods/pharmaceutical industry.
• Hands-on experience in developing and implementing Marketing Plan
• Experience in branding development, advertising & promotion strategies

Requirements :
• Bachelor degree from Economic, Business, Marketing, Preferably Master Degree from reputable university
• Minimum 3 years experience in the same position preferably in confectionary industry
• Hands-on experience in developing and implementing Marketing Plan
• Experience in branding development, advertising & promotion strategies
• Able to think “Out of the box”
• Good leadership skill, Creative and Innovative
• Good communication and presentation skills

  • Delopment Operation
  • Business Development Operation Business Development Operatio

Requirements :

• S1 – Agronomy / Agriculture
• Min. 1 year experience in the same position
• Have experience in plant cultivication and external farming research
• Willing to be placed in Lombok

Requirements :
• S1 – Machine Engineering / Electronic Engineering
• Min. 1 years of the same position, preferably in FMCG Industry
• Willing to be located in Lombok.

PPIC Staff
Requirements :
• S1 – Engineering / Food Technology
• Min. 1 years experience in the same position from FMCG industry

Interested candidates are invited to apply with detail resume to :
Recruitment & Career Management Dept
Wisma Garudafood 2
Up. Recruitment Departemen
Jl. Bintaro Raya No. 10A
Tanah Kusir Jakarta Selatan 12240

Lowongan Operation Executive di ESTEBEL SPA

Operation Executive (Spa Programmer) – Estebel Spa


  • Female, age 27 – 35 years old
  • Minimum of 2 years of working experience in Spa is a must
  • Minimum D3 degree in any major
  • Able to speak, read and write English fluently
  • Familiar with computer and internet usage
  • Outgoing personality & can work in a team environment

Interested applicants are requested to forward complete resume including cover letter, latest photograph within 1 weeks to : or HR Department
PT. ESTEBEL Indonesia (Estebel Spa)
Tamara Center, 18th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.24
Jakarta 12920. Tel : 021-5206568 (pic : hrd)

Lowongan Workshop Officer Car Care Online

CAR CARE ONLINE bergerak dibidang Fleet Management system mencari kandidat untuk mengisi posisi :

Workshop Officer
(kode : WO)

Kualifikasi :

  • Pria, maksimal 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan D3 Otomotif ( Teknik Mesin )
  • Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Service Manager di Authorized Dealer
  • Berjiwa kepemimpinan dan keahlian manajemen
  • Ramah, loyal, komunikatif dan berorientasi pada target

Lamaran dikirim ke alamat :

PT. Sarana Prima Nusantara
Jl. P. Antasari Raya No. 83 B
Jakarta Selatan

atau alamat email :

Lowongan kerja di Metro TV

* Pria * S1 Jurusan Teknik Informatika / Elektronika * Usia Maksimal 25 th * Menguasai Windows / LINUX Environment * Menguasai Networking dan Troubleshooting * Bersedia bekerja dalam shift
* S1 jurusan Informasi Teknologi atau Graphic Design * Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun * Mengerti dasar-dasar HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, MYSQL, MSSQL * Dapat menggunakan Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver * Dapat membuat web design beserta banner flash advertising * Dapat mengoperasikan content management system * Mengerti internet secara keseluruhan * Lancar berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
* S1 diutamakan jurusan Informasi Teknologi * Mengerti kosa kata bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar * Berpengalaman di dunia internet minimal 1 tahun * Mengerti dasar-dasar HTML, CSS dan mengerti design * Dapat menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver * Mengerti internet secara keseluruhan * Lancar berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
* D3 diutamakan jurusan teknik/ broadcasting * Menguasai peralatan mixer (audio) * Berpengalaman di dunia broadcast (radio/TV) min. 2 tahun * Bersedia bekerja shift dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
* Pria / Wanita * Pendidikan min. S1 diutamakan Jurusan Design Graphic * Berpengalaman min. 1 th * Menguasai software-software Graphic * Bersedia bekerja shift dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
* Pria * Pendidikan min. S1 dari segala Jurusan dengan IPK min. 2,75 * Usia maksimal 26 th dengan tinggi min. 170 cm * Tidak memakai kacamata * Belum menikah * Enerjik dan Menyukai tantangan
Kirimkan CV dan Lamaran Anda ke email:
*Tulislah Posisi yang dituju sebagai Subject di email Anda*

Weatherford Vacancy as Contract & Tender Administrator

We are a multi-national company who are involved in the drilling and production sectors of oil, gas and geothermal projects worldwide, are seeking an enthusiastic, hard-working and motivated individual to fill the position of: CONTRACT & TENDER ADMINISTRATOR
Ensures that assigned tenders are handled in a timely manner and in accordance with BP Migas regulations and Company procedures. This includes ensuring that all contracts and tenders are subjected to legal review. Duties/Responsibilities: * Prepares the tender proposal, ensures its completeness, and keeps its confidentiality prior to submission. * Verifies that contracts are compatible with the original tender documents. * Informs relevant management of all tender announcements and ensures that company registers when requested. * Works with other departments involved in the tender preparation process. * Distributes contract and its amendment (if any) to all related parties. * Maintains logs of tenders (past and on-going) and/or other related documents properly. * Maintains contract summaries detailing invoicing requirements, etc. for all active contracts. * Other duties as directed. Requirements: * A minimum of college diploma in Business Administration. Bachelor’s degree in Law/Business would be a plus. * Good computer skills such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, E-mail, and the Internet applications. * Proficiency in English communication (verbal & written). * Good interpersonal skills. * Able to work under pressure and tight deadline. * Willing to work outside normal work hours when needed. * Good knowledge of sales/marketing as well as its best practices and broad-based knowledge of core business * 1-2 years of work experience, preferably in the Oil & Gas industry. * General knowledge of tender process under BP Migas regulations would be a plus.
Please send your complete resume to or visit our web for applying the above position & other vacant positions online. NOTE: Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted

Dibutuhkan 2 orang Junior Systems Analyst

Dibutuhkan 2 orang Junior Systems Analyst
Kode Referensi Lowongan: DNP-JSA-2008
Profil Pelamar Yang Diinginkan
Jenis Kelamin: Pria atau Wanita.
Usia: 20-30 tahun.
Etos Kerja: Ulet, sigap, cakap, andal, jujur.
Kendaraan: Memiliki kendaraan sendiri.
Ketersediaan waktu: Full-time. 5 hari seminggu. Minimal 8 jam per hari.
Keterangan lain:
- Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor klien di Jakarta dan Sekitarnya.
- Bersedia ditrainning secara intensif.
Pendidikan: Minimal D3 di bidang Sistem Informasi, Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Informatika, atau sejenis.

Pengusaan Bahasa: Indonesia dan Inggris pasif

Pengetahuan Teknologi Informasi:
- Dasar-dasar analisa sistem; mampu menangkap keinginan klien
- Dasar-dasar perancangan sistem; mampu merancang dan mendokumentasikan solusi yang tepat.
- Dasar-dasar Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
- Dasar-dasar Project Management.

Keterampilan Khusus:
- Pernah belajar Pemrograman Aplikasi Desktop, seperti VB.NET, Delphi, C++, dan Java.
- Pernah belajar Pemrograman Web, seperti PHP, CSS, HTML
- Pernah belajar Database, seperti MySQL dan SQL Server 2003
- Kalau bisa, memahami konsep Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
- Kalau bisa, pernah belajar Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Unified Modelling Language (UML), atau Data Flow Diagram (DFD).

- Pernah mengerjakan atau turut dalam sebuah proyek pengembangan piranti lunak (baik website maupun aplikasi desktop) sampai selesai untuk sebuah perusahaan atau klien.
Pekerjaan / job description
- Membuat dokumentasi current system.
- Membuat rancangan proposed system.
- Membantu pembuatan proposal.
- Membantu berkomunikasi dengan klien dalam hal teknis.
- Membantu koordinasi teknis tim software developer.
Struktur Organisasi
- Melapor pada Project Manager.
- Bekerja dalam sebuah tim software developer yang terdiri dari beberapa programmer.

Harap yang berminat menghubungi ke Unit Human Resources atau telpon dan fax ke 021 736-0452 dengan menyertakan :
- CV
- Copy ijazah & transcript nilai
- Pas Foto 3×4

Vacancy at Gran Melia Jakarta

Dear HR Professional,

Please be informed that Gran Melia Jakarta urgently required a Director of Human Resources.

For detail information, please kindly open attached our Promosol Information.

Kindly share this infornation to those might be meet our requirements.

Should you have any further information, kindly contact Directo of Human Resources Melia Bali.

Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.

With my best regards,

Made Suardika
Human Resources Manager

MELIA BALI Villas & Spa Resort Kawasan Wisata BTDC Lot 1 Nusa Dua, Bali 80363, Indonesia Å (62) 361 771 510 Ê (62) 361 771 360 * hrm
þ þ

Meliá Bali Villas & Spa Resort is proud of its environmentally and socially conscious commitment. It is the first Sol Meliá hotel in Asia certified Green Globe Gold. The 2007 ASEAN Green Hotel Award recognizes the resort’s dedication to the highest environmental and social standards. The Emerald Tri Hita Karana, awarded to the resort five times, recognizes the UNFCCC endorsed approach to protecting the global environment and socio-cultural concepts.
Visit Indonesia 2008.
P Before printing this e-mail, please make sure you really need it: the environment belongs to all of us, thanks!

Founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Sol Meliá is the largest resort hotel chain in the world and market leader in Spain in both business and leisure travel. The company currently operates more than 400 hotels in 35 countries on 4 continents, and employs 32,500 people under its Meliá, ME by Meliá, Tryp, Sol, Paradisus, Sol Meliá Vacation Club and Luxury Lifestyle Hotels & Resorts brands. In Asia, this includes Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali, Banten, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai (opening in 2008).
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error. Any views express in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Sol Melia Hotels & Resorts Asia Pacific.

Vacancy SAP Officer di Karawang Bekasi

We are the TVS MOTOR COMPANY located in KARAWANG need to recruit the following positions :
SAP- Officer (Code : SAP)
* Train the SAP users in various transaction / reports as needed.
* Troubleshoot SAP realted issues on a day to day basis and ensure trouble free ERP operation.
* Liase with head quarters and upgrade the ERP platform as and needed / communicated
* Job Location : Karawang
Qualifications :
* Male or Female, 25-32 years.
* S1 / D3 graduation in Computer Technology
* Exp. 2-3 years in any big manufacture firm.
* Min 1 years experience in any one or all of the following SAP modules.
* Exp. handling ERP tool development application software development / programing.
* SAP fungtional support in the areas of material management (MM), production planning (PP), SAP Sales & Distribution.
* Any experiences in training is advantageous.

Interested Candidates are requested to send their detailed resume/CV to,
stating current and expected salary, academic qualification, past working experiences and reason for leaving previous employment

Lowongan TOTAL BANGUN PERSADA Agustus 2008

1. SITE MANAGER (kode : SM-S/SM-A/SM-ME) Sarjana Teknik Sipil/Arsitek/Mesin/Elektro, pengalaman min. 5 th di bidang manajemen lapangan 2. SITE ENGINEER (kode : SE-S/SE-A/SE-ME) Sarjana Teknik Sipil/Arsitek/Mesin/Elektro,pengalaman min. 5 th di bidang engineering dan mampu mengkoordinasikan gambar 3. QUALITY CONTROLLER (kode : QC-S/QC-A/QC-ME) Sarjana Teknik Sipil/Arsitek/Mesin/Elektro,pengalaman min. 5 th di bidang Quality 4. QUANTITY SURVEYOR (kode : QS) Sarjana Teknik Sipil/Arsitek/Mesin/Elektro, pengalaman min. 5 th dalam menghitung biaya proyek. 5. PELAKSANA STRUKTUR/FINISHING/MESIN/LISTRIK/BBS/BAJA (kode : PS/PF/P-ME/BBS/PB) Sarjana/Politeknik (D3) Sipil/Arsitek/Mesin/Elektro, pengalaman min 5 th di bidang pelaksanaan/pengawasan 6. DRAFTER (kode : DRFT) Sarjana/Politeknik (D3) Sipil/Arsitek/Mesin/Elektro, pengalaman min 5 th dibidang pembuatan shop drawing 7. SURVEYOR (kode : SVR) Sarjana/Politeknik (D3) Sipil/Geodesi, pengalaman min. 5 th di bidang survey konstruksi gedung 8. SAFETY OFFICER (kode : SO) Sarjana/Politeknik (D3), pengalaman min. 5 th di bidang safety proyek konstruksi 9. KEPALA MEKANIK PROYEK (kode : KA-MEK) Politeknik (D3) Mesin/Listrik, pengalaman min 5 th di bidang perencanaan dan koordinasi penanganan peralatan Konstruksi di lapangan
Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada : PT TOTAL BANGUN PERSADA, Tbk Jl. Letjen. S. Parman 106 Jakarta Barat 11440 Up. Bagian Personalia.
Cantumkan kode posisi jabatan di sebelah kiri amplop. Lampirkan 2 lembar pas photo terakhir (ukuran 3×4), surat keterangan dokter. Fotocopy : Ijazah,transkrip nilai,KTP,refernsi kerja. Fotocopy : SKT/SKA dari assosiasi profesi terakreditas,bagi yang memiliki. Lamaran yang diterima menjadi milik perusahaan dan akan dijaga kerahasiaannya

Lowongan Kerja KOBEXINDO Agustus 2008

PT. Kobexindo Tractors (Kobexindo) was established in 1994, and rapidly grew into an aggresive and committed distributor of industrial,construction and mining equipment. The company’s commitment is simple and yet something that we sincerely wish for all of our customers,principals,employees,and shareolders…”We Grow Together”. We invite you to join with Us
General Requirement:- Achievement Orientation,Customer Focus,Pro-active,Team-work & Sense of Belonging- Good Inter-personal Skill,Honest & Eager to Learn- Microsoft Office Computer Application- English Language
Qualification: - Position 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 (Male) - Position 1 (S1 Engineer), 3 (S1 Any Discipline), 4 (S1 Accounting), 7&11 (S1/DIII Engineer), 8 (S1 Geology/Mining), 10 (S1 Similar Discipline),12 (Min SMK Techical) - Position 1 (Experience Min 5 years in Similar Position), 2,3,4,5,7 (Experience Min 2-3 Years in Similar Position),8,9,10,11,12 (Experience Min 1 Year in Similar Position), 9 (Fresh Graduate are Welcome) - Position 2,3,4,5,7 (Age Max 40 Years Old), 8,9,10,11,12 (Age Max 30 Years Old), 12(Age Max 25 Years Old) - Position 1,2,5,6,7,9,11 (Heavy Equipment Background Preferred)
PT. Kobexindo TractorsHRD DepartmentKobexindo Building, Jl. Raya Bekasi-Karawang Km,58, Cikarang Timur, Bekasi 17823or e-mail to:

Lowongan Kerja Manager Financial Adviser Di AXA LIFE

AXA LIFE Alamat: AXA CENTRE Ratu Plaza Office Building 2nd floor, Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.9 Jakarta 10270 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan: Insurance Company
Lowongan Kerja:Manager Financial Adviser
Deskripsi Pekerjaan The AXA Group is one of the largest insurance groups in the world. AXA operates in more than 50 countries throughout Europe, North America, the Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East serving over 65 million customers and managing funds over Euro 1.3 trillion. Professional Financial Services (PFS) The “Salaried Distribution Channel” in PT. AXA Life Indonesia are inviting the right candidates to join with us for the following positions :

Requirements :
. S1/S2 any discipline from reputable University with 3-5 years in Sales Management (preferred from Banking or other Financial Institutions)
. Preferably with an excellent track record in Sales Management
. Have strong managerial & leadership skill.
. Have good analytical thinking and problem solving skills.
. Have good network and database.
. Excellent level of English both spoken and written
If you meet the requirements, please send your CV and recent photograph to:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Peluang Menambah Penghasilan

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Vacancy for Planning Engineer - Bandung

We are Engineering Consultant based in London, invite a young and dynamic people to join our team in Bandung Office with this following requirements:
- Mechanical Engineer
- Experienced in planning jobs at least 3 years in CAD and Stress Analysis work.
- Reading Client Specifications and being able to put together a job spec that can be sent to a client to confirm before the work is started
i.e. read the client brief. Make sure they understand the client brief and write the work order out for client to sign prior to starting work
Send CV with English to : with Expected Salary

Lowongan Migas; PT Shell Indonesia

Tentang PT Shell Indonesia

Shell Indonesia Royal Dutch Shell plc was established more than a hundred years ago in Indonesia. Today Shell is a global company operating in over 110 countries and regions throughout the world, and employing more than 104,000 people. Shell Indonesia has been established as one of the fastest growing lubricants, retail fuels and bitumen business in the country and has strong commitment to strengthen their presence significantly.
Shell Indonesia has received the Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies (IMAC) Award 2007 for Oil & Gas category for its best Corporate Image, by Business Week Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group.
Seputar Lamaran

Rekrutmen Online

Informasi mengenai rekrutmen Shell Indonesia Shell Indonesia Career Page
PT. Shell Indonesia Ratu Prabu Building 1 Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 20 Jakarta 12560, Indonesia

Lowongan PT. Indomarco Prismatama

PT. Indomarco Prismatama

Perusahaan retail terkemuka berskala Nasional membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi para profesional muda untuk menempati posisi sebagai :

Management Trainee

Dengan persyaratan :
§ Sarjana (S-1) dari berbagai jurusan
§ IPK minimum 2.75
§ Usia maximum 25 tahun
§ Berpenampilan menarik, Komunikatif, dan berjiwa kepemimpinan
§ Bersedia ditempatkan di berbagai kota di Indonesia : Jabodetabek, Bandung, Cirebon, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Jember, Lampung, Pelembang, Medan dan Ujungpandang.

Jika anda berminat:
1. Silahkan APPLY online. Prosedur on line klik: .
2. Lowongan berakhir:
Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008
Jam 24.00 (Tengah Malam)



An Automotive company Specialized in Truck and Bus are inviting young, talented and high achievers to join us for the following position:

MARKETING STAFF (MARK) Qualifications:
§ Bachelor degree (S1) form reputable university, all disciplines
§ Male/Female, max 28 years old
§ Computer literate (MS Office & Other)
§ Good command of written and spoken English
§ Having good analytical thinking
§ Mature, hard worked and the marketing related matters

If you are interested:
1. Please APPLY online. Procedure on line click: .
2. Application dateline:
Monday, August 18, 2008
24.00 (midnight) at the latest

Lowongan PT. Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia

PT. Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia

A company in capital market industry, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:

Information Technology Staff (Programmer)
. Bachelors degree from reputable universities, in the following major: Information Technology or Computer Science;
. Min. GPA: 3.00 (scale : 4.00);
. Age max. 28 years old;

Technical skills:
. Strong knowledge in object oriented programming;
. Familiar with .Net and or Java;
. Strong system design skills - UML;
. Familiar with relational databases (SQL Server & Oracle);
. Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle;
. Experience with financial industry (capital market) is desirable;

Personal skills:
. Excellent Communication skills.
. Be able to work in a team environment.
. Willing to work hard and under pressure;
. Achievement of excellence;
. Highly motivated and initiative;
. Fresh graduate is welcomed

If you are interested:
1. Please APPLY online. Procedure on line click: .
2. Application dateline:
Wednesday, August 18, 2008
24.00 (midnight) at the latest

Announcement PT. Raharja Sinergi Komunikasi

PT. Raharja Sinergi Komunikasi

Membutuhkan :
Developer Sistem Aplikasi Dengan persyaratan : § Bertanggung jawab untuk mendesain, mengembangkan, mengimplementasikan, berintegrasikan, menguji, menganalisa dan memelihara system aplikasi skala Menegah dan Besar § Pendidikan minimal 3 (tiga) tahun dibidang yang sama § Menguasai Visual Basic,, Oracle, SQL, Flowcharting serta aplikasi berbasis web § Berpengalaman dalam mengembangkan system aplikasi menggunakan pemograman berbasis text dan socket serta mengerti dan menguasai standar ISO 8583 § Mampu menginstall system operasi dan software aplikasi server, termasuk mengelola server § Mampu membuat dokumentasi teknik, termasuk logika bisnis, desain aplikasi § Mampu bekerja secara individual maupun dalam team.

Jika anda berminat:
1. Silahkan APPLY secara online. Prosedur on line klik: .
2. Lowongan ditutup:
Hari Kamis tanggal 21 Agustus 2008
Jam 24:00 (Tengah Malam)

Lowongan Kalbe Nutritionals

(Code: KN/202/PCAD/VIII/2008)

Kalbe Nutritionals

Seeing and appreciating life as blessing starts from the very early of our establishment. Kalbe Nutritionals is established under grand conception of contribution to the society in terms of better health and quality of life. Such dream has been accomplished in the creation of superior quality health food products for every critical stage of human life. We strive to ensure that the products of Kalbe Nutritionals will help our consumers enjoy life as a blessed journey:

Management Trainee Program The Journey Has Just Begun Management Trainee Program (MT) is a challenging program for talented high performing individuals. Through special training, mentoring & cross-functional assignments, the program seek to foster the development of our future leaders. Qualifications: We look for the best & brightest candidates who possess the following qualities: § Max. 25 years old § Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher from a reputable university § Graduated within the last 2 years § Leadership role in university and/or extra curricular activities § Strong conceptual & analytical § Capacity and motivation for hard work and commitment to excellence § Strong desire to learn new things and share knowledge to others § Excellent interpersonal and communication

If you are interested:
1. Please APPLY online. Procedure on line click: .
2. Application dateline:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
24.00 (midnight) at the latest

Lowongan Kerja; Programmer Di PT Nara Citra Otowarna

PT Nara Citra Otowarna Alamat: Jl. Jababeka VI Blok J 4E, Cikarang 17530 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan: 1. Bengkel mobil Resmi Daihatsu : General Repair dan Body repair. 2. IT Consultant.
Lowongan Kerja: Programmer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan We are seeking for qualified candidates to joint our strong team in the following positions: Visual Basic .Net Programmer
1. Minimum D3, graduate from a reputable institution majoring in Information and Technology 2. Having more than 2 years experience in developing application 3. Have ability on three tier analysis and design 4. Have in depth knowledge of OOP and development cycle 5. Have knowledge in: ASP .Net with VB .Net or C#, CSS, MS. SQL 2005, MS IIS, MS Framework 6. Good team worker as well as independent worker 7. Familiar with any operating system, Windows family, Linux, Unix 8. Must be self motivated and have strong analytical skills 9. Be able to communicate in English, both spoken and written 10. Able to work in under pressure environment and dealing with multi-task jobs 11. Have no hesitation in traveling local or overseas.
If you meet the requirements, please send your CV and recent photograph to:

T/S Eng)

Goodyear is one of the world’s leading tire companies, based on Akron, Ohio - USA. Goodyear employs more than 75,000 associates worldwide and manufactures its products in more than 90 facilities in 28 countries
Goodyear Indonesia is now looking for the talented people with a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business in Indonesia, located in Bogor, West Java. These are people who njoy responsibility, strive to achieve, open to change and have a collaborative style. The current opportunities is:
Technical Service Engineer (Code: T/S Eng)
Job Accountabilities : * T/S Engineer is responsible for a group of products, writing specifications, processing check tires, and releasing new product to factory and do it within conducive environment, health & safety. * Production ensuring that all design and test criteria are compiled with. * He/she maintains local working specification and works on continuous improvements on product he/she is assigned to. Job Requirements : . Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university, Majoring in Mechanical Engineering. . Experience minimum one year assessment as Technical Service Engineer preferable experience on tire or chemical industry. . Have experience in inline product design. . Computer skill (Microsoft Office, DPICS, APICS). . Understand how to read specification, understand how to re-design tire construction and troubleshooting problem related to design. . Team work player & strong personalities. . Self motivated, receives satisfaction from finishing work and from getting good results, can be counted on to exceed goals successfully. . Good interpersonal skills. . Good English, both oral & written. . Have none physical consideration. . Willing to work in shift & overtime when needed.
If you have the above profile and wish to be part of our team, please send your maximum 2 pages of resume with current photograph to: Human Resources Department (Max. 100 KB) Please put the code as subject on e-mail Only shortlist candidate will notified, therefore those who do not meet with the requirement need not to apply

Karir Day Bogor

BHI mengundang rekan-rekan untuk mengikuti acara “Karir Day” nya Bogor Hotel Institute (BHI), dimana akan diinformasikan betapa luasnya bidang pekerjaan yang ada di Industri Perhotelan dan Pariwisata.
Acara akan diadakan pada : Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 9 Agustus 2008 Pukul : 09.00 s/d 12.00 Tempat : Hotel Salak The Heritage Nara sumber : 1.Bapak Choki Darmawan (Director of Sales Hotel Borobudur Jakarta) Tema : Sales & Marketing Perhotelan 2.Bapak Arief (Hotel Four Season Jakarta) Tema : Bartender 3.Bapak Ferdinand (Kawan Lama Sejahtera) Tema : Teknologi Housekeeping Terbaru
Demikian kami sampaikan undangan ini. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Friday, August 8, 2008

PT SMART TELECOM - Gallery Customer Care Regional Manager Central Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan

PT Smart Telecom, is a Telecommunication company, is seeking high qualified candidates for position:
Gallery Regional Managers for Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi.
We Invite those who meet requirements below:
* Female / Male * Age: 30-35 years old * Min S1 * With solid managerial experience in a Customer Service organization for the last 2 years * A local of the region who knows the area very well * With working knowledge of the Customer Service standards * With excellent communication skills * Background on Telecomunication, Sales and Marketing is an advantage
Please send your application (with statement about willingness relocation), CV, photograph, and certificate to:
HR Recruitment For Customer Care email :

Lowongan Internal Audit Spv

PT. Takeda Indonesia is looking for Internal Audit Spv with following qualification:
- Have minimum 3 years experience in Big Four Public Accountants (KPMG, Ernst&Young, Deloitte, PWC) - Preferably for those who also have experience as Internal Auditor in Multinational Companies minimum 1-2 years - Good English (Written and Spoken) - Strong Analytical Skill - S1 Accounting from Reputable Universities with minimum GPA of 3.00
For those who are interested, please submit your application and CV to
Thank you.
Sherly Indrayanti, M.Si, Psy.
Recruitment & Training
PT. Takeda Indonesia


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Berbeda dengan seluruh pameran bursa kerja yang pernah diadakan JobsDB sebelumnya, CAREER EXPO 2008 adalah suatu proyek JobsDB International, yang akan ditangani secara profesional dari seluruh utusan kantor Jobs DB dari berbagai negara.
* Fitur unggulan :*
- Paperless - JobsDB Black Card - JobsDB Dimension
Tempat penjualan tiket dan prosedur pendaftaran untuk Job Seekers (pengunjung) akan diumumkan kemudian melalui website
Further info : Sisca 0818 0844 6675 (CORPORATE ONLY)

Lowongan di Perusahaan Multimedia di Virgo Group

* Lowongan : IT Staff Kode Lowongan : ITS*
*Job Description :* Menghandle permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan jaringan, HW/SW komputer, printer, input master data, maintain Server dan database, serta membuat / memodifikasi laporan.
- - Pria, dengan usia antara 22-27 tahun - - Pendidikan minimal S1 Komputer / Teknik Informatika - - Menguasai Crystal Report, SQL Server & Sybase, Windows 2003 Server & XP. - - Mengerti tentang DNS, DHCP, Email Server - - Instalasi & troubleshoot komputer, jaringan, HW/SW dan printer. - - Mampu beradaptasi dengan baik. - - Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun, Fresh Graduate dengan skill yang bagus juga akan dipertimbangkan
*Lowongan : Staf Accounting Kode Lowongan : ACCS
Requirements :*
- - Wanita, dengan umur maksimal 28 tahun - - Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidangnya - - Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Excel dan Power Point) - - Berkomitmen tinggi dalam Profesi maupun di bawah tekanan - - Berintegritas tinggi, bermotivasi tinggi & mampu bekerja baik independen maupun dalam team - - Mampu beradaptasi dengan baik.
*Lowongan : Staf Admin Kode Lowongan : ADM
Requirements :*
- - Pria/Wanita, dengan umur 20-25 tahun - - Berpendidikan minimal SMU/D3 - - Menguasai lagu-lagu rohani (Nasrani) - - Menguasai Microsoft Office (Word, Excel dan Power Point) - - Cekatan dan mempunyai wawasan tentang recording - - Mampu beradaptasi dengan baik.
*Lowongan : Resepsionis (Magang) Kode Lowongan : RCP Requirements:*
- - Wanita, berusia 20-25 tahun - - Berpendidikan minimal SMU/D3 - - Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik - - Ramah dan mampu beradaptasi dengan baik.
Kirimkan lamaran/resume anda langsung ke email
Note : Hanya kandidat-kandidat yang terpilih yang akan dipanggil untuk tes atau interview

Project Controller Salatiga Base

PT. Qdc Technologies is The Fast Growing Company, specialized in telecommunication infrastructure development and construction, invites you to be a part of our team for the following immediate opening:

Job Responsibilities:
* Maintain the detailed Project Master Schedule baseline for projects and periodically update baseline of the Project Master Schedule as directed. * Maintain Project cost estimates and price estimate baselines and periodically update estimates as directed. * Collate and input data for Project recognized revenue, cash flow and profitability reports for year to date actual and forecast for remaining project duration. * Identify and inform the Project Manager where actual or projected deviations from schedule or cost are occurring or likely to have occurred and have impact on the project to initiate corrective action. * Assist the development and management of project reporting formats and processes in coordination with project team members. * Produce reports for the Project Manager for project progress and percentage complete for time, cost and revenue. * Receipt and process contract related documentation within scheduled timeframes, eg design packs, purchase orders, invoices, acceptance certificates, etc. internal in QDC and external to QDC as directed. * Coordinate with the Project Administrator to ensure that all contract related documents are controlled and filed. * Compile data to create extension of time (EOT) requests and project variation requests that result from schedule, scope of work and price changes and submit to the Project Manager for action and approval. Maintain records of EOT and variation data. * Apply continuous improvement processes to contribute to the development of new processes and procedures associated with projects containing existing or new or multiple technologies. * Exercise “Duty of Care” obligations, and comply with relevant Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and Procedures when on project sites. * Comply with QDC’s Code of Conduct at all times. * Perform other duties as required, which may include activities normally carried out at other levels. * Support Business Development activities as directed by providing project scope of work, resource, schedule, cost and implementation data to be used for planning for possible project opportunities. * Interface with Customers, Suppliers, Subcontractors and other project related groups in the local market in relation to Project Control activities.
Job Qualification:
* Telecommunications Industry accepted Qualifications, specially in CME area * Having educational background in Civil Engineer * Minimum of 3 years relevant industry experience. * Previous general & operational management in a similar industry or organization. * Thorough understanding of project compliance requirements. * Good knowledge of a range of project control methodologies and techniques. * Demonstrated project control skills and understanding of project management systems. * Working knowledge of Contract Management. * Demonstrate initiative and self-motivation. * Advanced skills and understanding of project management tools, accounting systems and current MS Office products particularly Excel. * Good interpersonal and negotiation skills. * Demonstrated good levels of verbal and written communication skills.
If you meet the criteria above, please send your application letter with detail resume to:
You can want to know more about PT. Qdc Technologies, please feel free to visit our official website:

HR Department PT. Qdc Technologies

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